2012年10月11日 星期四

李佳穎小姐演講內容/ M10110101 M10110102 M10110111 M10110112 M10110114 M10110116 M10110118

studio if

studio if is a place for creating new ways of interaction with the physical world. We experiment with electronics, mechanisms and materials to form rich interactive expressions. Fascinated about objects that have stories to tell, we are specially into exploring alternative meaning or application of daily objects.

The studio is the practice of Taiwanese designer Chia-Ying Lee, who graduated from the MA program of Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy in 2006. Her individual works and projects for PEGA Design & Engineering have been shown in various cities in the world, including Taipei, Shanghai, Milan, Tokyo and Amsterdam.


2006 MA, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy
2007 - 2010 Senior Designer, Pega Design & Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 Creative Lead, bitPlay Inc., Taipei, Taiwan
2011 Founder, studio if, Taipei, Taiwan

1. telecome, 長時間的實地觀察,包括工作人員的生活型態、工作環境甚至是使用的手機,將各個辦公室的聯絡模式(中心式溝通),改良為(散點式溝通),由增加溝通效率進而增加工作效率

2. hybrid future, 思考電信公司與人們的關聯性,不透過傳統的行銷、廣告切入,而是以遊戲為出發點,藉遊戲的互動提升品牌認同度。

3. in-ti-ma-cy, 在未來,當隱私已不存在的世界,人們如何守衛自己的最後一道隱私防線?虛擬的隱私權,設立一道防護線,當他人踰矩踩線時,系統會通知本人,進而引發一連串意料之外的結果,探討隱私與人們的關係,例如:
sometimes, spying is forgivable.
sometimes, crossing boundary starts a conservation.
sometimes, warning are there for a reason.
sometimes, relative change, and so do the privacy.

4. the contact board, 拆解電話的各個元件,嘗試人們通訊的新模式,透過平板上的互動,使人與人之間的聯絡更為直覺。

5. bubo-a mischief toy, 玩具,紅外線學習能力,咒語與遙控,將遙控器以另一個新的形式包裝,激發兒童發揮想像力。

6. sonic graffiti, 城市做音樂的可能性? 啟發: 隨興的城市塗鴉,如音樂DJ的混音、刮片般任意發揮,創造城市的角落新面貌。噴出噴漆罐->噴出音樂,噴漆姿勢結合刮唱片的動作; 將聲音與視覺同時留在牆上,搭配手機裝置,人們經過時牆上聲音及傳進手機裡,增加人們對城市的不同印象。

7. infectious light, 母燈,子燈,拿各個單體組合成自己喜歡的燈具形式,以感染的模式尋找燈的新意義。

8. EARphone, 現代人們離不開科技產品,許多人看到別人耳朵上掛著的耳機便不敢跟他互動,怕打擾人家,科技在無形之中形成人際的阻隔。毛茸茸的耳朵,會隨著外界的聲響而擺動,開啟互動交流的契子。

9. unfold radio, 利用摺紙與壁貼的形式呈現新的音響面貌,創造二維與三維轉換間的巧妙結構。摺紙結構的伸縮決定了音響聲音的大小,形成新的人與音響之互動方式。

10. grow with me, 預留縫線與布料,隨著小孩的成長逐漸放布,讓童裝跟著小孩子長大,另一種un-plug的互動。

11. tik tik tik, 將燈的開關改為有刻度的拉條,由刻度上的數字決定多久後暗燈。多方測試各種機構,如光柵、磁簧開關定時,徹底產品發揮了資工背景的優勢!

12. In your time, 時鐘,跟著你的心跳走,賦予時間個人化的意義,光華商場的脈搏sensor,將個人特質濃縮至一組數值。

13. stitch table, 日常物品的庶民美學。


“Limited Edition”, Milan, Italy

“Sonic Graffiti”, Mobile Music Workshop, Amsterdam, Netherlands
“City Yeast”, Taiwan Designers’ Week, Taipei, Taiwan

“Between On & Off”, Zona Tortona, Salone del Mobile, Milan, Italy
“Between On & Off”, 100% Design, Shanghai, China
“Between On & Off”, Taiwan Designers’ Week, Taipei, Taiwan

“Unfold Series”, Taiwan Designers’ Week, Taipei, Taiwan
“Unfold Series”, 100% Design, Shanghai, China
“Italian Apartment”, Shanghai, China

“Was x Will Be”, Taiwan Designers’ Week, Taipei, Taiwan
Tokyo Designer’s Week, Tokyo, Japan

“String Effect”, Taiwan Designers’ Week, Taipei, Taiwan
“Less Is More”, Taiwan Designers’ Week, Taipei, Taiwan
Tokyo Designer’s Week, Tokyo, Japan

“Perfect Timing?!”, Salone Satellite, Milan, Italy
