2007年11月24日 星期六

黃明仁演講心得 / 黃資赫 M9610206

Professor Huang's speech was a realistic one. He brought us to evaluate the importance of communication in design and showed us the things that may be achieved when communicating is successful.

As designers, we must know that we cannot speak or think for others completely and must obtain, through careful market research, the necessary information from consumers. In his examples, both Philips and Volks Wagon clearly demonstrated their efforts to stay close to the general puclic. In Philips' case, the company observes consumers' markets from all over the world to ensure their developing product is targeted correctly. And in VW's case, we see how a normal office worker may persuade his supervisors and even the managing directors of his opinion with public survey results. This shows how innovative titants stay flexible and successful.

I strongly agree with this method of design approach. Afterall, designers exist to create innovative solutions for the betterment of people's lives. But without the correct information, designers might just be building their thoughts on quicksand.
